01.My Amie5:05
The latest synth-based album from the Pig’n’aif ProgRock line-up |
‘Electronicalis’ |
Rising Records PNF16-CD01 |
Please note these soundclips are reduced quality |
You will be able to buy the CD using our secure PayPal transaction |
You will also be able to download the album or individual tracks at most download stores world-wide including iTunes, Amazon, Napster, AOL, emusic and many others. Click one of these links or try your own store. |
‘Electronicalis’ is Pig'n'aif's album of original, synthesiser-based multi-genre, rock This Pig'n'aif album has been a background task for the guys for a very long time, with successive tracks being added to it over a number of years. It is and exclusively instrumental work and once again crosses many genre boundaries in electronic, synth-based, Progressive Rock, Blues, Rock and Jazz. The album starts with 'My Amie', which is an progressive rock track featuring guitar synth based block and arpegiated structures alongside soaring guitar theme lines. The track was included on a FactoryFast Records compilation entitled Dance With Destiny and has an accompanying video featuring the Pig’n’aif Logo-Ship which is available on YouTube (see here). More information to come soon... Guitars and other Instrumentation are performed by Pete Bangert. Please let us know what you think of it. |
www.petebangert.com Please contact our Webmaster with questions or comments.
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