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Live at 'The Rads'

Diamond Jack

Live at 'The Rads' coverCatalogue Number:
Released: 1999

Tracks included are:

I Can Dance,
Nights In White Satin,
Girls Talk,
Just The Way You Are,
Blowing Free,
Could've Been A Lady,
Waiting For An Alibi,
Wonderful Tonight,
Message in a Bottle,
King Will Come,
Love Is The Drug,
Queen Of Hearts,
Electric Chair,
All Right Now,
Rock 'n' Roll Medley,
Sunshine Of Your Love

This represents a typical club set from the time period with a mixture of club standards and some more rock-oriented tracks thrown in.

Diamond Jack was a club band working in the north of England during the late 70's. This line up features Barry Carr (vocals), Tim Quinn (drums), Chris Hamilton (bass) and Pete Bangert (guitar).

This session of club material was recorded live on 4 track mobile studio at the Attercliffe Radicals WMC venue
(‘The Rads’) in 1979.

The live engineer was Steve Atkinson. The live tape was subsequently mixed down and mastered by Pete and Steve in a home studio environment.
The tape saw a limited release in cassette format (DJ01-CA01).

The master tape was transferred to CD in 1999 to eliminate further tape degradation. This product is not intended for distribution.

Diamond Jack

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